

Thursday, March 10, 2016

I am making progress

I am not going at the pace I thought I would be going BUT, I am making progress. I have read over 10 youversion bible plans. You should know that I love ticking off the 'to do list'. I had decided to quit my bible study class, (because of time) but my love for it has been renewed. I am still on one book (management book); i need to put more effort in this. I really love my management books. I have gone to the mountain to pray with one of my besties. This has made me more confident that, indeed, this is going to be an exciting year.

I am really enjoying periscope. I think my friend Perpetual has a lot to say and she would do very well scoping.

Just for today, I thought that I would give an update on my progress.

Keep your goals
Keep your action plans
Implement (my new action word)

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016, I suspect it will be an exciting year

One of my 2016 goals/plans/resolutions is to blog, so here I am. If I do stop blogging at some point in the year, I would have achieved some percentage of my g/p/r's. Happiness!!! I also signed up for a lot of YouVersion reading plans and it is going very well, if I should say so myself :). I joined the Facebook challenge for saving money weekly, and that I am also making progress in that area. I still need to buy the piggy bank though. Last year, (and by that, I mean the last day of 2015), I went through my bank statement and calculated my income and expenses. Lesson learnt: bank charges are way too much.

So, 2016 will be exciting because I have planned to go to all kind of conferences for my edification. I also plan to read a lot of books on different subjects. (I mainly read management books). I plan to do local, Africa and international travelling. I am always on the lookout for specials :). I therefore appointed myself as Minister of Finance and have allocated a budget for all the travelling i inted to do.

In other news, I spend a whole 3 hours in a telecommunications service provider this afternoon. I do not wan to believe that this is the norm - 3 hours- while reciving service. Do not let me start on the attitude I received from the Customer Service consultant.

I still remain confident that this year, 2016, will be exciting. I think that this will become very obvious.